2Geckos Consulting
(520) 709-2079
Generate QR Codes
QR Codes can encode contact information. Upon scanning such a code, you will be prompted to add the contact information to your contacts list. In addition, Barcode Scanner can encode a contact as a QR Code and present it on-screen, so that a friend can easily scan your contact information from your screen
2Geckos is a funny name, but we are serious about technology.
We have served the technology needs of our Arizona customers since 1987 and we are you long term technology partner. 2Geckos is located in Casa Grande, Arizona and also serve customers in the greater Phoenix area.
I’m VERY good with FileMaker, PHP, CSS, HTML, DNS, XML, RSS Feeds, GEO Location, Sitemaps, Google Analytics, image manipulation, website SEO, and other web services. I’m also pretty good with JavaScript and many other languages.